What are your passions? Helping people, exploring the world...and CATS!
What do you do / what are you working on? Well since my job in live music is on hiatus, I have been participating in a couple of things to keep busy. Three days a week I volunteer at a Food Pantry; one day unloading a truck of around 9,000 lbs of food, two days are spent packing grocery bags for the less fortunate/impacted by COVID/unable to get to the store. I started a voter advocacy group with touring women to get people registered and informed about the upcoming election. I have completed 6 online courses and receive an A in all of them!
If money was no object what would you be doing? I would be an international food blogger who also owns an animal sanctuary that employs/houses people with disabilities.
Someone / something that changed your life? COVID has changed my life. I lost my career after 16 years but my eyes have been opened to so much. I’ve realized how little I actually need to be happy. My job had began to define who I thought I was. Shit has drastically been put into perspective about how grateful I am for what I already have in life and within myself. Plus I feel like this down time woke up A LOT of people about the racial injustice in this country (myself included) so I am grateful to be learning from a new perspective and be part of the change that is desperately needed.
What’s the best piece of advice that someone has given you? Just breathe.
What are you reading/listening to/watching right now? Currently reading “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel García Márquez. Listening to a lot of gothy dark wave music and “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander (on Audible). Watching a ton of random slasher/horror movies on the Shudder app.
Something people don’t know about your pet: Taco has a serious foot fetish; the smellier the better...he also love chips. McFly Is scared of thunder/lightning (who knew? It never storms in LA 🤣🤣🤣) but loves bagels & cream cheese.